Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Encourage variety in teen vegan's diet

Find creative ways to add protein, other nutrients to menu

Question: My teenage daughter has become a vegan and won't eat any animal products, including meat, seafood, eggs and dairy. What strategies can I use to make sure she's getting the protein she needs?

Answer: Not to worry - it can be done, says Prudence Athearn Levy, a registered dietitian at Cherry Creek Nutrition.

"With a little extra work, a teen's protein needs are usually met even with very strict vegan diets," she says.

Depending on your daughter's age, weight, height and activity level, her minimum requirements for protein range from 46 to 56 grams, more if she's also an athlete.

Look for protein-rich foods such as soy milk, soy or almond cheese, beans, lentils, whole grains such as quinoa, cereals - especially high-protein cereals such as Kashi Go Lean - nuts and nut butters, seeds, soy or brown rice protein powder for smoothies, tofu, tempeh and textured vegetable protein.

"Encouraging variety is the best way to ensure she meets her protein needs," the dietitian says. "A great way to start is to visit a vegan or vegetarian restaurant and try some new dishes together."

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