Sunday, July 01, 2007

Reusuable Water Containers & Why You Need One

It dawned me recently when I looked in my recycle bin how many water bottles we've been throwing away. At first I was proud of myself for being a "recycler" but then recognized how much waste I was creating in the process.

I was wandering around Whole Foods as we sometimes do on a lazy afternoon and I came across some of their "fancy metal water bottles." Intrigued with creating a long term solution to my water drinking habit, I purchased one. I have to say it has really encouraged me to drink more water. I refill it at home with my filtered water cooler and carry it everywhere. Even inside restaurants. I think I knew this but was grossed out to see restaurants provide free water straight from the tap. Anyway... save the earth and reduce the risk of ingesting leeched chemicals from those pesky water bottles.

Here's a great site with tons of options. Let's make it cool and trendy to care about not creating so much unnecessary waste.


At Monday, 02 July, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a move in the right direction. I heard a podcast recently on which a medical researcher was explaining how tiny quantities of chemicals in plastic bottles affect human beings by blocking hormones. There are now proven links between these chemicals and certain cancers. See (that's "Living on Earth") for more details.

At Monday, 02 July, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I do is reuse the same plastic gallon water containers.On the theroy that by not buying a new container every time.I'm not ingesting quite as much Volatile Organic Compounds because the used containers have all ready cured and have off gased most of its chemicals.Plus by reusing the same containers I'm doing better then recycling!

At Monday, 02 July, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife tells me of the "bad stuff" coming out of the water bottles that sit in my hot car. I often have several under the seat or in my trunk and usually drink the half full ones, even when days old, and as usual, she is right !


At Saturday, 07 July, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have one of those!!! i love it sooooo much : ] love, stacia

At Tuesday, 10 July, 2007, Blogger Raylon said...

Interesting video on what goes into bottled water.

At Wednesday, 11 July, 2007, Blogger SteamyKitchen said...

You're totally right. I need to start being a better citizen of the earth.

At Sunday, 15 July, 2007, Blogger Apodysophilic Alterego said...

SIGG rocks...I have been using them for ever.


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